Monday, June 28, 2010

Fan Mail

Being locked up at Rikers doesn't stop rapper Lil' Wayne from staying in touch with loyal fans. His 3rd letter has hit the net and in it he thanks his fans for all the letters and good wishes they've sent him. He also goes in depth to thank individuals fans that have sent him mail...

"I hope everyone’s summer has been going well doing whatever it is you like to do. On my end, I’m alive, breathing and blessed. You already know how I’m passing the time – reading and working out. I know I say it every letter, but thank you from the bottom of my heart for the pictures, rocking free weezy tees, and continuous letters. They mean the world. I promise to continue to update as much as I can and answer as many questions as I can from you guys. Shout out to my YM family for making me proud last night. Love and appreciate life. God bless."

*Due to the bulk amount of individual "thank yous" he sent out I decided not to post them as well

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